Do you count your blessings?
I have so many things to be thankful for that there are not enough fingers or toes amongst the number of people that surround me have to count. There are many ways to give back to the community and it's not just by giving money but also your time and abilities.
Pancake Day 2015 was put on by my favorite charity and non-profit organization,Feeding Hong Kong, 樂餉社 at the University of Hong Kong's Haking Wong Podium. Once again, they are the bridge between the food and beverage industry with the hungry people of this city that we call "The Pearl of the East". There are hungry people who cannot afford a meal and Feeding Hong Kong is a food bank that redistributes surplus food to those in need.
This day was equipped with many activities including a pancake relay that had participants toss and run with pancakes for charity. I was there with my pancakes with ingredients donated by Pizza Express and we were on a roll to sell pancakes by donation. I even had a handsome boy sous-chef giving me help with the distribution.
Thanks to the generous donations, we were able to serve up many fruit toppings with a spread of sauces made from strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, mixed berries, as well as lemon and sugar with a dollop of Crème fraîche. The donation box slowly but surely filled up during the event and as we were wrapping up, a continuous line formed with hungry bystanders.
I am very honored to be a part of this event again this second year in the running, and it felt great being able to use my skills to help out a charity that really provides a service for a need in Hong Kong. Check out the Hong Kong Cable TV coverage of this event here: